
Having a positive birth experience—however you define it—is your birthright.


Hey there!

I’m Steffy.

I moved from Saint George, UT to Orlando, FL in Summer 2023. I’m excited to bring my knowledge as a birth worker and holistic nutrition consultant to the community. As a sensitive empath, I bear a gift of attuning to your multi-faceted needs, even when you may not know what they are yourself.

After experiencing the most comfortable, peaceful, and empowering birth of my first child, I’ve been called to serve and guide women through pregnancy and birth with ease, grace, integrity, and spirit.

I’ve devoted my life to helping you bring your baby into this world without fear. During your birthing time, I’ll hold space so that you may shine your inherent light.




Pregnancy & Postpartum


Motherhood & Homeschooling


Nutrition & Recipes